What else can I acquire of value from my lingered presence here? Time permanently and swiftly sweeps away things I uttermost felt as permanents. Perhaps in this lonesome and breathless journey we are meant to discover our one time dogma, but at the cost of how many abstract or momentarily truths?
Feeding from our own hunger, this intense flame consumes our desires, so many things to obtain that it becomes so easy to overlook what we already have. Inwards, flagrant hiatus overthrown this longing for expression… it is always about the things we want and the things we do not possess. Do you need your jewelry, spacious halls or trademarked drapery to coexist serenely in this beautiful world?
Everybody is trying to save the world at the world’s own expenses, in spite of having knowledge hereditarily passed on, you.. you remit yourself to this apparently innocuous ignorance. Inner growth is the key to the door we have nailed shut eons ago, in a passive approach to delay our self atonement.
And, it is not like I have opened an inquiry to mankind, but, I observe this immense potential squandered at the four winds by greed and plain evil when it could be used for greater purposes and directions. Were you not a child once, did not you play in gladsome mirth, and in an instant glance slithered, overburdened, through this nauseous ancestor’s made slope. Yes, I find it hard in a world theoretically created by smart people to be completely stupid… so if smart people address to me, I’ll do my best to look stupid.
Then I will resume my unraveled path and glance backwards to feel, feel these memories, memories that will never come again, again to return to reality, reality as we remember them. As we hold so dear these fragmented pieces, slowly they will become hospitalized and chained to a strength jacket in that corner of mind that never shines to the outside.
Further and further this half wheel, I daily walk further and further threatening the very foundations of a solid and logical existence. It is not that intricate if we don’t think about it, it is all about knowing that our earthly time is short and limited but with reachable horizons filled with hopes, dreams and wishes. We must keep on walking this half wheel because by doing so, we will be in control of the most important and divine power creation has to offer… ourselves and yes, I thoroughly believe that humans without a god above them to guide the way, become self gifted with divine blood within their veins. I hail to you my brethren for we are Nature’s true significant creation. Accept Time as a journey’s expense, walk with yourself and become gifted with that opulent companion, explore these open fields overflowing with paths, search with yourself your unending beauty... for intact of fragmented it is yours to bear, cherish it above all you hold sacred… and in the culminate of your journey you will be left alone, not fearing the foreboding gleaming eyes concealed beyond the nocturnal shadows but the blue eyed adorable child standing in the intensely bright spotlight… learn to distinguish the hollow light.
And when one day I awake at morning and leave this world the minute after, I will still be grateful for having the opportunity of witnessing another sunrise, even if a short one. To that day that closely or distantly awaits my arrival, I hope to embrace with open arms, with the uncertain aspiration I have walked My Path the best way I could ever have.
Ps: hearts may break but the ability to L*ve never dies.
N. Ego
by joel nachio
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